my story,

"Be conscientious, work hard, get a good job & you're set." But what about the stress of maintaining this lifestyle, environmental factors & living up to the expectations this presents?

Since high school, I’ve battled hormone imbalances, chronic sore throats & fatigue. In college, I started seeing a naturopath & first heard the term “CAEBV” or chronic acute epstein barr virus. This took me down a journey of self-discovery and empowerment through knowledge.

Now more than ever, it's important to take accountability for our own health, wellness, & life, if not you then who? 

It was from the realization that I was in the passenger seat of my life that the idea of this wellness & marketing brand came to life - to help empower and encourage myself and others to take back the driver seat of our lives & show up in our businesses as the best version of ourselves.

Did you know that up to 80% of chronic diseases are affected by lifestyle factors such as nutrition & exercise?

I'm on a mission to help more people know & understand this, while helping them reach and achieve their own version of success.

In this business, you can expect local community highlights, products + services that can truly help & encouragement to market your business to its fullest and truest potential!